Reading Your Landscape with Peter Andrews OAM, Stuart Andrews and John Fry
Join some of Australia’s leading Regenerative Farming pioneers and practitioners in a special online Q&A session. Reading Your Landscape reveals the natural patterns and sequences to look for in the blueprint of the Australian landscape. This special Q&A...

Water Retention Landscapes with Zach Weiss
WATER RETENTION LANDSCAPESHow can we CREATE PARADISE BY HOLDING WATER IN THE SOIL? Join us for a very special workshop in Bondi Junction and Centennial Park with international landscape restoration specialist ZACHARY WEISS of Elemental Ecosystems, USA. Learn how to...

Of Fires, Droughts and Flooding Rains
Of Fires, Droughts and Flooding RainsHow can we restore the Australian landscape? Australia is facing increasingly severe cycles of droughts, fires and floods. Join world leading practitioners in landscape restoration for a critically important conversation on a...

Planet on a Plate with Dr Vandana Shiva & Joel Salatin
Planet on a Plate Dr Vandana Shiva & Joel SalatinIn celebration of 2015, the Year of the Soil DR VANDANA SHIVA is a scientist, ecologist, author and winner of the Sydney Peace Prize. She also featured in the documentary “Dirt!”. In celebration of 2015, the Year of...